Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Chapter Story

As you read through an example problem, pay attention to the margin notes , such as Helpful Hints, Reading Math notes, and Caution notes. These notes will help you understand concepts and avoid common mistakes. Read ( 4)3 as â€Å" 4 to the 3rd power† or â€Å" 4 cubed. The glossary is found in the back of your textbook. Use it to find definitions and examples of unfamiliar words or properties. The index is located at the end of your textbook. Use it to find the page where a particular concept is taught. The Skills Bank is found in the back of your textbook. These pages review concepts from previous math courses. Try This Use your textbook for the following problems. 1. Use the glossary to find the definition of absolute value. 2. Where can you review the order of operations? 3. On what page can you find aanswers to exercises in Chapter 2? 4.Use the index to find the page numbers where algebraic expressions, monomials, and volume of prisms are explained. Principles of Algebr a 5 1-1 California Standards AF1. 2 Use the correct order of operations to evaluate algebraic expressions such as 3(2x 5)2. AF1. 4 Use algebraic terminology (e. g. , variable, equation, term, coefficient, inequality, expression, constant) correctly. Evaluating Algebraic Expressions Why learn this? You can evaluate an expression to convert a temperature from degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit. (See Example 3. ) An expression is a mathematical phrase that contains operations, numbers, and/or variables.A variable is a letter that represents a value that can change or vary. There are two types of expressions: numerical and algebraic. A numerical expression does not contain variables. Numerical Expressions 3 27 2 18 4(5) 3 4 Vocabulary expression variable numerical expression algebraic expression evaluate An algebraic expression contains one or more variables. Algebraic Expressions x p 2 r 4n x 4 To evaluate an algebraic expression, substitute a given number for the variable. Then use the order of operations to find the value of the resulting numerical expression.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Dietary Supplement Report

Every human body should contain dietary Supplements. According to cpmc. com dietary supplements are substances you eat or drink. Dietary supplements are widely available in the United States in health food stores, grocery stores, pharmacies, on the Internet, and by mail. As said on activecenterforhe. com Makers of dietary supplements cannot legally say that dietary supplements can diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent disease. People commonly take them for health-related reasons. As said on execbussiness. com they can be vitamins, minerals, herbs or other plants, amino acids, or parts of these substances. They can be in pill, capsule, tablet, or liquid form. They supplement the diet and should not be considered a substitute for food. Dietary Supplements are intended to supplement the diet. They are also oral supplements. The three parts of Supplements are Health, Performance, and weight loss. There are many benefits of taking Dietary Supplements, According to livestrong. com such as; taking supplements on top of a healthy diet may be beneficial in ensuring your body have the nutrients it needs each day. In general, a balanced diet with sufficient amounts of fruits and vegetables without many of saturated fats and sweet sugars contains most vitamins and minerals your body needs. Exceptions to this rule occur in young children who grow and may not get enough vitamins and minerals in their diets, and older adults who may have the same problem. According to nutrition. about. com Taking supplements can provide additional nutrients when your diet is lacking or when certain health conditions cause you to develop an insufficiency or deficiency. Deficiency means lack or shortage of something, for example vitamin A deficiency in children. Insufficiency means an adequate amount or quantity. Multiple vitamins are generally safe because they contain only small amours of each nutrient. Shown on livestrong. com the consumption of some dietary supplements may also help prevent cancer. A number of essential vitamins, including vitamins A, C and E, act as antioxidants in the body. Consuming dietary supplements may also aid in tissue maintenance and repair, processes that occur throughout your life. According to jag-lawfirm. om Dietary supplements may be good for you but there are risks from taking these supplements. Dietary supplement side effects can be serious, even fatal in some people, although consumers often take such supplements without realizing the risks. Side effects of supplements can be experienced when using too much of a product, but some people will suffer serious side effects when only using a small, recommended or le ss amount. The dosage or â€Å"serving† recommendations are not government tested or approved, and it is the responsibility of the manufacturer to ensure the safety of recommended servings for everyone who uses the product. Unless you’re seriously deficient a lot of mineral soluble are not good for you. Most vitamins are ok as long as you only take your days allowance. 9according to live strong) Mega dose could be hazardous. For example too much Vitamin D could cause nausea and weakness just like too much vitamin C could cause diarrhea, vomiting and kidney stones. The government’s regulations surrounding dietary supplements are treated similar to food products, with some exceptions. According to livestrong. com The U. S. Food and Drug Administration were created to regulate all food and drugs in the United States as this agency does not monitor dietary supplements. The Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, or (CFSAN), is a scientific regulatory organization responsible for cosmetics, drugs, medical devices and dietary supplements produced in and imported into the United States. As part of a 1994 act that helped to form this agency, the FDA created the United States Pharmacopeia and National Formulary, which provides dietary supplement guidelines and specifications. Manufactures are not required to register with the (FDA) Food and Drug administration. Dietary supplements are treated similarly to food products with some exceptions. Supplement manufacturers are not required to register with the FDA and do not need approval from the FDA to produce or sell a product. Not need approval from the FDA to produce or sell a product. Manufactures are responsible for ensuring that their products are safe. The health condition I choose is Anemia. As said on webmd. com Anemia is a condition that develops when your blood lacks healthy red blood cells or hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is the main part of red cell and binds of oxygen. Oral iron supplements are the best way to restore iron level for people who are iron deficient. Should only be used only when dietary measures have failed. Accidental overdose of iron-contain products is a leading cause of fatal poisoning in children younger than six years old. Any medicated product should also stay out the reach of children. If overdose occurs seek immediate medical attention or call poison control. Iron is the medication supplement used to treat or prevent low blood level of iron. Iron is an important mineral that the body needs to produce red blood cell and keep you in good health. According to physiciansoffice. com the dosage of iron for adults is 50 to 60mg of iron children 4 to 6mg per kg of body weight divided into three equal daily doses. Dietary supplements can be either good or fatal for you. These supplements are usually used for people who don’t receive enough nutrients, or people looking for an easy way of healthy living. Anemia is manageable when taking the proper dosage of supplements or eating a proper diet, which contains a well balance meal. References

Monday, July 29, 2019

Society and Fashion in the Age of Postmodernism Essay

Society and Fashion in the Age of Postmodernism - Essay Example The essay "Society and Fashion in the Age of Postmodernism" concerns the postmodernism society. Language lost its ‘meaning’, culture lost its ‘centre’ and history found itself struggling for being, let alone authenticity. Because of the work of thinkers like Derrida, Foucault and Lyotard ‘mental structures’ began to wobble; foundational assumptions came under a cloud. What is man’s role in a society? Is not he the subject of several forces including language and discourse? Can he lay claim to any ‘Truth’ when even the hyponyms of it were being questioned? Perhaps the answer to this whirlpool of uncertainty lay in his summoning up his infinite potential of creativity for a plausible answer. The one that bagged consensus was ‘celebration’. A celebration of the joke called life. Of the absurdity called existence. Everything, including architecture and fashion, responded to this interpretation. (Postmodernism may say that there are not any facts but only interpretations, but the human mind considers this as a fact). The greatest manifestation of this new-found enterprise was in the salad that combined ‘high’ and ‘low’ culture. Music strove to mix 14th century church chant with the latest in euphony. Buildings displayed gothic arches with a bunch of steel tubes to add to its effect. And in vogue were straitjackets with a naughty hint of one’s backside. Joanne Finkelstein recollects anthropologist Jonathan Friedman’s observation that in African Congo during the 70s and 80s.... The currency of the young subculture was to wear the latest in European fashion circles. Although the social and economic differences between Congo and Paris were too vast to be mentioned, the young sapeurs chose to bridge dream and reality through clothes. So much so that wearing haute couture was like realizing a dream. And this imbalance between dream and its realization, between valuing a particular object and having the capacity to possess and maintain it was a fundamental dynamic of fashion, according to Finkelstein1. However, in the 'subcultures' of Britain which included teds, punks, skinheads and hippies the dynamic of fashion was something totally different. Dick Hebdige points out that the main aim of the subcultures was to cobble out of the available forms, a new set of genres that will free them form the manacles of tradition2. However, Hebdige admits that the commercial culture itself had the wherewithal to counter the hegemonic culture by producing for the subcultures. By marrying the high with the low, the radical with the conservative, it produced a range of clothes for the punk that is still looked upon as an act of positive aggression. These two divergent theses coalesce to the synthesis that in fashion there cannot be a common protocol. At a time when 'consilience' is the order of the day and terms like 'society', 'identity' and 'nation' are themselves undergoing significant semantic changes, 'fashion' which is the signature of these terms in flux cannot remain steady and static. In postmodern zeitgeist is not only that fashion influences society but also that society influences fashion. Fashion becomes an

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Lead like Jesus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Lead like Jesus - Essay Example In fact, servant leadership involves the understanding of the various issues of selflessness and focus on the team and not the leader. However, self-focused and self-centeredness are issues present in humanity. In fact, individuals tend to focus on their success instead of the success of the team members or members of the community. Therefore, by nature, human beings tend to be focused on themselves and not others. In spite of the challenges of self-centeredness, when a person matures, he learns to understand that the world is not about how much one can get, but how much one can give to others. The concept of service to others is integral in the development of servant leadership, which is a concept developed by Jesus (Blanchard and Hodges 40). The concept revolves around caring for others and having love. Leaders motivated with self-interest tend to place their agendas, status, safety and gratification above those people they influence. In such cases, the leaders become self-serving and not serving leaders. Self-serving leaders view feedback as criticism and a threat to their leadership style (Blanchard and Hodges 41). They do not offer a chance for the members to contribute to the development of organization or team The heart of a servant leader involves being meek, humble and loving. The depiction of love in all issues undertaken including the disciplinary action will ensure harmony in the group. A servant leader must focus on the well-being of others and not him. Jesus in his servant leadership model employed the use of love in handling the diverse issues within the organization. In fact, in all his decisions, he considered the impact of the decisions on his members. For instance, he did not send Judas Iscariot away, but kept him close with other disciples (Blanchard and Hodges 38). The depiction of love to Judas was to help in developing his

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Lance Armstrong Talks about Philosophy of Life Essay

Lance Armstrong Talks about Philosophy of Life - Essay Example My fellow world citizens, I am Lance Armstrong, the famous cyclist. The recent headlines do not allow me to claim the fame. But, I think I have all the right to introduce myself as a famous cyclist whether I have my titles or not. Even my negative publicity is linked to cycling without which I am nothing. I am not here to claim I am innocent or confess. I just want to share a few of my realizations with you. I had great plans after retirement. I wanted to do so many things after I survived cancer, after I retired after I was free from my busy schedules. But, the after came so suddenly and unexpectedly, stripping me of all my dignity. I have all the time in the world now to do whatever I want and what I do with all of it - I ride my cycle. I started to ride my cycle when I was two and continue it till now. I started to ride professionally at the age of 13. I was a swimmer before that. I got fascinated by the bike when I was 12. At that time my mother used to say "if you’re going to get anywhere, you’re going to have to do it yourself because no one is going to do it for you". I had no idea where I should go but believed winning was the only thing necessary in life. I became a bully. I started to dope. My life was driven by an unquenchable thirst to win, to win like nobody else. I do not know who put that idea into me, my coach, my victories, my fans or my family. I saw everybody around me running for something elusive. I was happy when I won. But was I satisfied? No. I was ready to do anything to establish what others cannot.

Criminal Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Criminal Law - Essay Example Finally, there is the possibility that the actions of the doctor in giving the wrong blood transfusion and taking Alan off of life support would break the chain of causation so that Derek would not be liable for homicide after all. Therefore there a number of possible offenses and a number of possible defenses here for Derek and the Doctor. What homicidal offences might Derek have committed? What are the potential difficulties with regards to mens rea and actus reas? First, did Derek cause death or great bodily harm to Alan? The answer to this is yes, so the actus reus for homicide has been established. Second, can we establish that Derek aimed to cause death or great bodily harm to Alan? If so, then the mens rea for homicide has been established.1 While, in this case, it would be a stretch to state that Derek aimed to kill Alan, it may be shown that he, in fact, did intend great bodily harm to Alan when he set fire to Alan’s flat. What is not known is whether Derek was aware that Alan was inside the flat or not. If Derek had thought that Alan was not in his flat, then it could conceivably be said that Derek did not form the proper mens rea for homicide, because, in that case, Derek would have only had the mens rea for arson and not homicide. On the other hand, if it could be shown that Derek was affirmatively aware that Alan was asleep in the flat, then it could be said that Derek did, indeed, intend to cause great bodily harm to Alan, and the mens rea would be established. At any rate, even if Derek is not responsible for homicide, he would probably be responsible for manslaughter, as one only has to prove, as the actus reus for manslaughter that a person intended an unlawful act to another person for manslaughter to be established. As Derek intended arson on Alan’s home, this could be said that Derek intended an unlawful act on Alan, so he would be guilty of manslaughter even if there is no mens rea for homicide.2 Moreover, the mens rea might b e negated by Derek’s intoxication.3 The test here is whether Derek was so intoxicated that he could not form the mens rea that is necessary to commit the homicide. The facts stated that Derek had quickly downed four vodkas. This would certainly make a person drunk, however, the actual crime occurred four hours after Derek drank these vodkas, so Derek was probably not still so intoxicated by vodkas that he could not form the mens rea for the act. That said, the facts also said that Derek was suffering blackouts before the incident, although it is unclear what is causing these blackouts. Therefore, this might be a case of diminished responsibility. The rule on that is there must be present an abnormality of the mind that substantially impairs his mental responsibility.4 This is a possibility – perhaps Derek is suffering from an abnormality that would cause him to perform criminal acts of which he was somehow unaware. If this is the case, then he would have a defence unde r this. What defences might Derek have to homicide? The first defence will be that of provocation. The elements of provocation are as follows 1) the loss of self-control must coincide with the killing;5 2) a reasonable person would react in the same manner.6 We also have to look at the reasonable person in

Friday, July 26, 2019

Find a small company that does not have a website and writing about Research Paper

Find a small company that does not have a website and writing about the benefits of a website for this company and the benefits of other uses for the the internet for this company - Research Paper Example It is essential for any business to have a website especially at this era of globalization and industrialization so as to be able to compete with the rapid changing world. Most companies have however embraced this type technology, because this is where they communicate their business mission or rather their business requirement. It enables an organization to make information about their business easily available to people and as well as their services offered and products available. Additionally, increased competition among companies producing products that satisfy the same need, has made entrepreneurs look for all possible ways so as to enjoy customer share (Diamond, 2008). A website designed professionally is necessary for such a case. In the following text am going to discuss on a sole proprietorship company. It is an auto repair and tire shop town outside Chicago in a small town (Tire Inc). When the shop was being started, the primary aim was to make it known for its quality repair. However, along the way the owner felt it would be better to satisfy customers need by selling tires. The shop has a wide variety of selection for tires so that the customer can never lack tire there. The staffs are trained and knowledgeable about tire. Therefore, they offer quality services; hence the business of tires has turned out to be more profitable than the initial business. As much as the owner wants to maintain the repair work he also wants to expand the tire business. He believes if he uses the internet he will expand his sales and also benefit from the understanding of his staffs on customer need. The management believes that the right web strategy will help the shop to improve on customer service, increase sales and also create retail outlets in other locations. It is crucial for a business to know what internet business model that is appropriate for them, so as to be able to select right internet business

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Oxfam Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Oxfam - Assignment Example In all that Oxfam does, the organization regards the contribution of partner organizations as essential and the inclusion of susceptible men and women inevitable to bring the injustices that underlie poverty to an end. Oxfam’s Geneva office bears the same objectives – to alleviate poverty (Oxfam, 1). This paper introduces the specific activities endowed to the Geneva, Switzerland offices in the collective goal of poverty reduction. In addition, this paper highlights the different ways through which Oxfam interacts with partner organizations and works with poor people to achieve its objective. Oxfam’s Geneva offices are advocacy offices that work towards influencing key organizations from various parts of the world to take part in poverty alleviation. Oxfam Geneva approaches and interacts with organizations such as WTO, UNHCR, ICRC, UNCTAD, and OCHA, directly and indirectly. Oxfam also incorporates Geneva based civil society organizations and groups in its activities. The structure of the Geneva, Switzerland offices allow the organization to assess and develop strategies regarding global humanitarian matters, in specific humanitarian system development, disaster risk minimization, and global reactions to disasters and humanitarian crises in which the organization takes part on the ground. Other activities that take place in the Geneva offices include lobbying and development of an alliance to support agriculture and food security, access to medications, and climate change. Additionally, Oxfams Geneva offices conduct petitioning at the World Trade Organization (WTO) concerning poverty alleviation (Oxfam,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

PERSONAL ETHICAL DILEMMA ASSIGNMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

PERSONAL ETHICAL DILEMMA ASSIGNMENT - Essay Example So, if the item was $ 18.00, she would provide the change for a $ 20.00 bill from the cash register, and then just replace the $ 2.00 from her own money. That is, so the register would add-up properly at the end of the work day. So, she would pocket the $ 18.00 and this was unquestionably stealing. My personal values were such that I would not have done what she did. I was in the same position as her, but never took advantage of the advice that she gave me about stealing. However, there was conflict with these feelings because I never told on her or turned her in to management. We were not close friends, or did not socialize outside of the workplace, but did get to know each other pretty well. We spent enough time together on the job such that I got to know and like her. Conversely, we both worked for an organization and a manager which we had little regard for. The wages were low, the working conditions were often strained, and the manager was often verbally abusive and generally un likable. So, the conflict in question was defined by my ethical belief that stealing was wrong, and yet, I did not act as a whistle blower or act dutifully as an employee and inform the organization that they were being stolen from. Consequentialism looks at the outcomes of behaviors rather than the intentions. Socially, we very often evaluate individual actions on how their intentions were. So, for example, while lying is generally wrong, if your grandmother asks you what you think about her hideous looking dress, and you tell her she looks nice, your intentions are good even though the result is an immoral act. A consquentialist position looks at only the outcome or the consequence of the act. In terms of my own personal ethical dilemma, the consequence of my co-workers actions were unquestionably immoral. In terms of the other stakeholders, the organization was being stolen from as a consequence. And, knowing that she was doing this makes me complicit to some extent. My obligatio ns in an employee/employer relationship are directed toward the organization and not the employees. Generally, utilitarianism is associated with consequentialism. It argues that the aim of individuals is happiness, and an action or behavior therefore, either maximizes or diminishes the greater goal of happiness. Further, we should maximize the greater happiness for the greatest number of individuals [Perry, 1993, p. 531]. In this instance, while the employee was maximizing their own happiness, they were doing so at the expense of someone else – namely, the employer. However, as a dilemma, it raises the question as to whose happiness I ought to consider? While I had little regard for the organization, I should have turned in the employee on this ethical model because the consequence was that one agents happiness came at the expense of an others. In terms of the greater good for the greater number, there were only two goods to consider – the individual stealing and the o rganization that was incurring the loss. If the business had gone bankrupt because of the theft, obviously a greater number would be effected, however, it was not a substantial amount of money so that it can't be said that a greater than two stakeholders were to be considered. Under a deontological framework, one should not will an act that

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Review and identify the standards set by the National Science Essay

Review and identify the standards set by the National Science Education Standards (NSES) - Essay Example The standards state the methods of teaching the students since it is believed that learners will acquire the skills and knowledge set by the standards. The standards are categorized into science teaching, science content, systems, assessment, programme, and science teacher development. The Mississippi state curriculum is prepared by the Centre for Education and Training Technology (CETT), which is based at Mississippi state university. The centre has been reviewing the state K-12 curriculum since 1996 (Hurd, 1998). It focuses on the development of materials to be used in teaching, and the training of the teachers in the whole state as well as the entire nation. The major objective of CETT is ensuring that the content and strategies of instruction to be used by the teachers in K-12 are well enhanced so that student achievement is guaranteed (Pushkin, 2002). Through this strategies science teachers get a clue of how to tackle the framework objectives. The aim of these strategies is to complement textbooks and any other resources used by the teachers (Hurd, 1998). The Mississippi state core curriculum has connections with the NSEC and INTASC in the following ways. First, these curriculums are geared towards ensuring that science teachers use several instructional strategies to enhance student understanding, second, promote professional development so that teachers are up-to-date with the happenings in the science environment and lastly, that there is adequate assessment of the student for them to continue with acquisition of skills and knowledge in

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Major League Baseball Players Association Essay Example for Free

The Major League Baseball Players Association Essay The Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA) is the union of professional baseball players in the major league. The Association plays the role of collective bargaining for all major league players and it is also the representative for players that need salary arbitration. Like any other union, MLBPA defends the rights of its members and functions in order to protect the players’ best interest. One of the attributions of the MLBPA is that of making sure that the conditions for playing are in accordance with the Association’s safety guidelines. A union of professional baseball players was necessary for promoting the interests of the players and so unions acting in the benefit of professional players were created almost from the very beginning of the history of baseball as a sport. MLBPA does not represent the first union of baseball players, as previous attempts included the Brotherhood of Professional Baseball Players (founded in 1885), Players Protective Association (1900), Fraternity of Professional Baseball Players of America (1912), or American Baseball Guild (1946) (Major League Baseball Players Association, 2007). The basis of MLBPA was set by the formation of the American Baseball Guild which was created by labor lawyer Robert Murphy (Haupert, 2003). The major change that was the outcome of the Guild was that the standard labor contract of players was changed in the benefit of the players since before this change the contracts were very much dictated by owners (Haupert, 2003). Although the Guild was unsuccessful in forming a union, it did bring a great deal of change in the way players’ contracts and rights were being handled. MLBPA is currently the baseball players’ organization and the outcome of this association is the result of the changes that took place in the unionization of baseball players. The union was formed in 1954, but it â€Å"remained in the background until the players hired Marvin Miller in 1966 to head the organization† (Haupert, 2003). This was the decisive step in the future of the union of baseball players. Miller was a former negotiator for the US steel workers and this experience was used with success in the interest of baseball players (Haupert, 2003). The leadership of Marvin Miller and his influence was very usefull for the interest of MLBPA. His skills turned out to exceed those of the owners as he managed to change the rules of the game and represent the players in gaining what was theirs. He managed to control the power that owners had on the players and trough his tough practices to make the opinion of players matter in matters of trade and such (Rockford). Miller’s leadership had a great impact on the unionization of baseball players as his lead brought the most important changes in the life of professional baseball players. Marvin Miller retired in 1984 after managing to put an end to the reserve clause, to ensure the right of free movement from team to team, to gain a great raise in the salary of baseball players (Rockford). Other important changes that were conducted and influenced by Miller’s organizational skills referred to a greater implication of the union in labor disputes, to the creation of a pension fund sponsored mainly from percentages of television revenue. But the most important accomplishment of Miller’s leadership was that the union was recognized and also the right of players to be represented in negotiations by a collective organization was also recognized (Rockford). Marvin Miller is responsible for making baseball a business profitable both for owners and players. The current leader of MLBPA, Don Fehr, was hired by Miller in 1977 as general counsel and after the retirement of Miller he was chosen by the players to represent them as executive director of MLBPA (Haupert, 2003). Fehr’s influence was noticeable for following the policies of his predecessor, continuing the road chosen by Miller. Fehr’s accomplishments are shown in his role of negotiator in collective bargaining with major league owners and in â€Å"administering contracts, grievance arbitration, and pension and health care matters† (Schwarz, 2003). His mission leading the union was even harder that expected because he was replacing a legend, the man that built the union and that had lead it successfully for such a long time. Even so, Fehr was successful in leading the union and in defending the interest of the players. â€Å"The average salary of a major leaguer has gone from $ 185,000 in 1981 to $2. 47 million in 2005. † (Cooper, 2006) MLBPA managed to use the changes made by former unions or associations of professional baseball players and managed to become today the strongest sports union around. Under the leadership of only two, but strong leaders, MLBPA has progressed greatly and this progress is first of all attributed to the leaders that had always had a coherent policy and strong faith in their mission. Perhaps the key to the success of MLBPA is that its leaders have always tried to maintain a unity among the players and by keeping them together and focused on a common goal, they could accomplish the major growth in the baseball industry. Bibliography: Cooper, J. J. , 25 for 25: Don Fehr, July 18, 2006, available at http://www. baseballamerica. com/today/majors/25thanniversary/print261957. html; Haupert, Michael. The Economic History of Major League Baseball. EH. Net Encyclopedia, edited by Robert Whaples. August 27, 2003. available at http://eh. net/encyclopedia/article/haupert. mlb; History of the Major League Baseball Players Association, available at http://mlbplayers. mlb. com/pa/info/history. jsp; Major League Baseball Players Association, 2007, available at http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Major_League_Baseball_Players_Association; Rockford, Warner Oliver, Marvin Miller, available at http://www. baseballlibrary. com/baseballlibrary/ballplayers/M/Miller_Marvin. stm; Schwarz, Alan, One on One: Don Fehr, July 1, 2002, available at http://www. baseballamerica. com/today/features/fehr070102. html;

Theory of Mind Term Paper Essay Example for Free

Theory of Mind Term Paper Essay This is called Theory of Mind, or TOM. This theory was first developed to investigate autism and to further understand primates. It was suggested that those who do not posses TOM were the victims of autism. (Tirapu-Ustarroz et. al. 2007) Other scientists suggest that what separates mankind from primates is that mankind possesses a â€Å"species-specific set of social cognitive skills† (Herman et. al. 2007). Arguably that covers a broader range than TOM but it encompasses it, uniting these scientists under one front. However, some scientists say that chimpanzees do indeed possess TOM. By showing a chimpanzee a series of video tapes of humans in situations that lacked a solution, and then presenting several different photos, one with a solution to the problem, it was shown that chimpanzees do indeed possess a version of TOM. For example, the chimpanzee was shown a video of a phonograph, unable to play because it was unplugged. The chimpanzee then chose the photo of a plugged in phonograph as a solution (Premack and Woodruff 1978). Similarly, others continue to suggest that we are not so very different from other primates. In an article titled Humans Have Evolved Specialized Skills of Social Cognition: The Cultural Intelligence Hypothesis results it is suggested that it is not â€Å"general intelligence† that separates us from other animals, it is the level of sophistication and maturity of our cognitive skills. In fact, 2. 5 year old children did not differ from chimpanzees significantly in cognitive skills , specifically those used to assess the physical world (Herman et. al. 2007). In the science world, it has long been debated at what age TOM is developed. Is TOM developed relatively late in childhood (age four) or as early as 7 months? The scientific community is split. There are those that suggest that TOM is developed at age four. And still those that say TOM is innate and can be seen relatively early in child development, it is just undetectable unless a nonverbal false-belief task is assumed (Onishi and Baillargeon 2005). In The Social Sense: Susceptibility to Others’ Beliefs in Human Infants and Adults scientists explore exactly this topic. False belief tasks : Adults vs. infants This article focuses on the differences and similarities of 7 month olds, 3 year olds, and adults in their reaction to several different false-belief tasks. A false belief task is a test, usually using a video or pictures, involving an agent and a participant. The agent is the person watching the video and reacting to it. The participant is the person in the video that is actually doing a task. (Kovacs 2010) There were seven experiments performed in order to reach a conclusion to a compounded hypothesis how do other’s beliefs affect the actions of an individual when the agent is present and absent. Furthermore, how early is this ability developed and to what extent does it differ between individuals, specifically 7 month olds, versus adults. If TOM is innate, it hould be as automatic as our response to our physical environment. This is also explored. (Kovacs 2010) In the first experiment, adults watched a series of videos of a ball and an occluder. In each video, the ball either stayed behind the occluder, rolled off the screen in front of the agent only, or rolled away in front of the agent and participant. The adults watching ar e the agents. The people in the video are the participants. After each video, either the participant and the agent both believed the ball to be behind the occluder, both believed it to have rolled away, or have conflicting beliefs. This is an example of a false-belief task. Then they measured the reaction times of the participants detecting the ball in each situation. The presence of an agent had nothing to do with the task, however, it affected the reaction time of participants. (Kovacs 2010) In Experiment 2, in the last scene of the movie, a pile of boxes was in place of an agent. Surprisingly, the results were the same as experiment one. This shows that the agents beliefs were stored and still affected the behavior of the participant. The participants found the ball quickly when both they and the agent believed it to be behind the occluder. Kovacs 2010) Experiment 3 was performed to show further strengthen the results found in Experiment 1 and 2. Experiment 4-7 were the same as Experiments 1-3 but used infants and looking times versus reaction times. Each subsequent experiment was performed to further solidify the results of the previous experiment. (Kovacs 2010) Conclusion So, to answer the initial question as to how we differ from our primate relatives and when we develop this ability, all pertinent information seems to suggest that TOM is indeed a major distinguisher, and that this innate ability is detectable as early as 7 months of age. Why this matters The results of this experiment are ground-breaking. For decades, scientist have said that TOM is developed at age four. But if TOM is innate and not learned, this reveals a peek into the social structure of mankind. It leads to answers to questions like why we act the way we do in society, and how we evolved into who we are today. It also provides a nonverbal false-belief task that can be performed on infants. This means it can also be performed on other primates, and maybe even those with brain damage that provides them incapable of speaking. With this, we can investigate whether TOM is affected by certain types of brain damage, and if it is specified to one location in the brain. We can identify the absence of TOM in certain patients with certain diseases which would allow us to draw certain conclusions about the disease itself. This experiment opens numerous doors to and exciting field of science. Cited References 1. Herrmann E. , Call J. , Hernandez-LloredaM. V. , Hare B. , Tomasello M (2007), Humans have evolved specialized skills of social cognition: The cultural intelligence hypothesis.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

How Computer Revolution Affected The Corporate World Information Technology Essay

How Computer Revolution Affected The Corporate World Information Technology Essay The rapid growth of technology has affected the world and since the revolution of computer it has bought changes to the corporate world as it has made it more convenient and easy for the employees to work on and made them more dependent on the computers because due to the rapid growth more and more organizations are adapting the technology, This paper investigate the for and against the use of computers in corporate world. The main reason of this paper is that it will include how it affects the organizations and the employees and also about its advantages and disadvantages and analysis the reasons how it has become so popular and a need in life of the corporate world, stating how it affect the companies and how helpful it is to the business world and aware the end-users about the cons and pros of it even the privacy issues of the company and they could convert their paper records to digital records which is much more convenient and easy to use for the employees to enter the data and search for it with the keyword, whether is it safe for the organizations and also the up gradation of the computers and how the history of computers. The conclusions would be how it has affected the organization and whether or not it is safe and useful for the companies to adapt it and also the paper will also suggest the issues the company will face and solutions for it. This paper will focus the use of new technologies and the impact of it in the workplace. Specifically, I would be focusing on information technology, its implementation, its drawbacks, and its future. Introduction: Since the computers are the most effective and easy way for people to work it is getting used everywhere homes, organizations, hospitals, businesses, etc. Day by day the computer technology is increasing and getting improved on how to make it more easy and convenient for the people to work on it and get the most out its advantage. Also the rapid technological growth around the globe is increasing and computers are becoming a necessity for everyone, even the business organization need to keep up with the generation and the technology, and they need to adapt the use of it, and how it helps the organization in their daily work and their employees, what are the advantages and disadvantages of it, how it affect the working manner of the company, also how technology affect the corporate world and the business world, since the nanotechnology is taking over. The Corporate world is big and they need to keep records of their clients or their bills which is not easy keeping it as manually also it is very time consuming, which is why computer helps them because computers are much faster and efficient. The People have become more dependent on the technology and the now working without a computer or doing the work is with a pen or paper is called Old fashion way , that how it is described nowadays, the computers has made the people lazy, and how the computers has affected the companies relation with their international firms and their clients all around the world and providing them with their services. Computers plays an important role in our daily lives which help us to do our work more effectively and less time and in corporate world it plays an important role because due to the technology Ethics plays an important role in it too because the company should be able to convince their new clients about how their business is going and what are their policy of work. 1. Presentation of the issue 1.1 How computers affected the world. The computer has changed the world in many different ways and in all areas for example E-mail instead of post offices, it has helped the corporates in many different ways, in education all the work can be done on it, etc. there are so many places the computer has affected the world and the people the computer has advantages and disadvantages, the computer is now being used all around the world and it is getting wider and wider due to new technology growth now you can also order your food online for example in India you can order Mc Donalds and Dominos. The computer is now a necessity in the world due to technological development nowadays the computers have been so much advanced that now in some places they are being replaced with robots. Every week there is a new invention in the computer world because people are coming up with their innovations and their ideas, the people around the world can communicate with their friends and family, etc. 1.2 How computer has affect the workplace. The computer has made the peoples work more easily and time saving the computer has affected the workplace in many difference places like call reception nowadays nearly every business has a computerized phone- system for answering incoming calls. Emails have been so popular since it has been introduced in the past decade and in some organization, its the verified as method of communication. Archiving is an important part in a organization because it is the filing and recording of documents that can now be used with computers and scanners. Instead of writing it on a paper or punching and stapling it then filing it in a cabinet in row-upon-row of space-hogging instead of all that effort it can now be recorded with the help of scanner and saved into a central computer or server for future reference. The computer has affected the businesses and firms now they can save time and money due to computers as they can make video conferencing so that they dont have to travel and waste time for i t. The I.T background of the Issue. First Computer ever made The computer was first created by IBM in 1946 which was named Mark 1 which was used to perform artillery firing calculations then The first personal computer was the Altair 8800, which briefly appeared on the scene in 1975. Two years later, the Apple II  was introduced this machine made it a revolution to the world but later on   In 1981, IBM introduced their PC, keeping in mind of their previously focused, their efforts on manufacturing mainframe business computers. Incorporating the Intel microprocessor, the IBM PC set their standard of quality of the computer world which was then used in top organizations as in that period of time computers where expensive and some of the organizations couldnt afford a computer. The computer revolution affected the corporate world in da 19th century as it was affordable for the people and it was easy and user friendly it was more convenient to with the company so that they could make records and make the use of it by the 20th century the use of computer has rapid growth in it and it has become less expensive and almost most of the organizations can afford it now and can use it, it is more easy to work it and people have become more dependent on it as it is lot more convenient for the employees to work and it also time saving the organizations can save money with it and can make more profit as they can held video conferences from their firms and working place instead of travelling and also can be in touch with the other organizations through e-mail instead of post offices which takes a lot of time the advantage of an email is that you can receive it anywhere and can read it anywhere even if youre not home, this is how the computer revolution affected the corp orate world 2.2 Business in Technology 1To make the decision to pursue a virtual world  solution creates some challenges related to management, instructional designers, IT staff, and the developers of virtual worlds themselves. 2The benefits of virtual worlds are well documented in articles in trade magazines, blogs, and vendor sites. The purpose is not to duplicate the documentation. Instead, of presenting a number of management considerations that bear on the business value and potential return on enterprise adoption of virtual worlds as a venue for learning. Every new technical medium runs into common obstacles as well as unique barriers to its adoption. But attitudes change when it is proved that the value or competitive advantage is achieved. The value of virtual-world technology will evolve as business models continue to become more intensely collaborative internally, externally, and globally 3. The impact of the Issue. 3.1 Introduction of the issue 3Since the new technology has been in demand and injected in workplaces at an exponentially increasing rate over the last few decades. Most of the Organizations think that new technology is the mean to increase the organizations/firms profit margins and to stay competitive in the rapidly evolving marketplace, and new technologies have become available to facilitate to use and dissemination. This has been led to an ever expanding and evolving field of IT developments in Information technology has evolved to an increasingly mobile workforce were theres no longer deskwork in order to stay in the information loop. We can take our office with us wherever we go. Cellular phones allow us to be to be in touch/contact with the company or workplace or anywhere. Blackberries and Ultra-mobile PCs permit has advanced in technology that it can let us access e-mail and other data products at a wide range of locations. The innovation of new technologies has given businesses to access and have faster communication; it has also increased efficiencies, and the freedom and ability to work away from the office. Rapid increasing in technology has opened doors of opportunities for organizations/firms and employees willing to explore non-traditional work arrangements. Due to modern working system depends a lot upon computers and modern technology in all sorts of areas as everyone throughout the world has come to know. It was not long ago that people were Complaining about computers or machines taking over the workforce over from humans and performing not only the jobs but even better quality.  [4]  The growths of new technologies are being used in businesses and it is showing no sign of decreasing and slowing down. Some examples of technology currently in development for commercial use are wearable computing, cities and region-wide Wi-Fi(wireless internet), and nanotechnology. Microsoft and IBM are working on a collaboration technology that will allow virtual meetings where employees will be able to teleconference on their computer screens, while creating or changing documents and product designs using a virtual whiteboard. These technologies and many other more, including all the new technology to come advances, and it will continue to contribute to an increasingly more effective and easier mobile workforce. 3.2 Advantages and disadvantages of technology in businesses. 5Technology is an integral part of all businesses today. In fact, it would be difficult to imagine a business with no technological connections. Here are some of the ways that technology impacts communication in business   Ã‚  [6]  Phone systems and email are integral and important for communication with clients, customers, and even fellow employees. Remember before when, you had to get up and walk across the hall to tell a co-worker something? Today, everyone in business has a computer and you email the person across the hall. I think the positive impact on business is that this is much quicker form of communication. After all, if you see the person face-to-face you just might talk about something rather talking about business in the email.   On the negative side, the impact of substituting technological communication for in-person communication does make us less interactive and social and tend to isolate us and it has made us busy and lazy. 7The Internet is no doubt an  effective and less time consuming technological development for business communication. Marketing efforts in particular that has been affected by the advances of the internet. Businesses are communicating more effectively with a wider audience, thus increasing their chances to reach customers beyond their local paper and to make their brand known to a bigger audience and also the most popular Google it is one of the top most search engine you get everything on it for example if a firm wants details on their competitors they will get all the required information it. 8Technology has changed the dynamics of how the business is conducted and has also affected the ways people communicate with one another. This is especially true since the Internet has been integrated into the workplace. 9The ability to link information systems has moved the business environment to the global environment. This capability is very powerful and most businesses have figured out how to harness this power and use it to gain a competitive advantage. As a result some issues have arisen that businesses must pay close attention to. The integration of technology into business has impacted areas such as diversity, ethics and organizational structure. Here are some ways these three areas have been affected by technology: 10*Diversity Technology that has developed such as e-mail, instant messaging, and online conferencing have increased in use and this affects the way people interact with one another. Todays professionals often communicate globally and far outside their local borders; this is all possible thanks to technology. The global atmosphere is now presented with new business opportunities, such as outsourcing, making international business deals, exposing themselves to a larger customer base and employees do not even necessarily need to live in the same country as their bosses! 11Ethics Ethics is another primary area that has been impacted by technology. As more and more technology is assimilated into workplaces, new ethical challenges have emerged that both employers and employees must face. Business processes are primarily connected to information systems and various other forms of technology, and people using automation must act responsibly with the data they transmit as part of their daily tasks. 3.2.2 Summary of the problem 12Businesses are increasingly inventing and implementing new ways to use technology to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of their communication. The caution for this topic is that businesses need to  [13]  be sure to analyze the time saved with the implementation of each new technology and the customers, clients reached in order to ensure that the technology is truly beneficial to the business. If there is a power failure or the server is down or any problem the employees wont be able to work because they are dependent on the technology and computers they cant work without it. 4. Solutions to the problem arising from the issue. 4.1 The solution for the problem. The problems which are arising due to the issues concerning is that the company should monitor the employees and to check the server log regularly, the technology has both sides good side and a bad side the good thing about is that the business and work is done more quicker with the help of the computer the solution, surveillance should be there on the employees to see what there working on. The company should have code of conduct in the firm/organization. There should be Training for the employees in which they can learn and benefit the company, they should have a policy that there should also work manually without the use of technology. 4.2 Opinion from the public and organizations. Publics Opinion: The banks should do some of the work manually which can be done without the using of technology, because some of the important work gets hold and the organizations give the excuse that the server is down or the server is not working. One the banks started a new service to help the environment and to save paper by sending as E-statement instead of paper statement which we receive every month through postal. Organizations opinion: Technology has helped us in so many different areas like communication between other firms and organization local and globally, instead of visiting them and waste time and money in travelling one place to another and we have our 24/7 online internet service which is for the public to access and for customer care help. Were facing more competition since there is Tele-marketing and e-commerce since it is more easy and convenient but there are more chances to be successful in it, if you know what the requirements and how to set up youre work. 5. Conclusion and unanswered questions arising from this investigation 5.1 Conclusion After doing the research and meeting up with the organization heads the conclusion is that the use of computers has affected the corporate world and also they are issues to but everything cannot be perfect, the majority is that it has made the corporate world more conveniently easy and efficient for the employees and customers so that they dont need to make too much effort and they can do most of their from there homes. In the corporate world there is a lot of data recording work so the computers help them update it and it is easier to find a customers record and save time instead of writing it manually and filing it. The companies also use computers for video conferencing with different firms or their other branches or headquarter in other countries; they say it saves money and travelling time, so the process of the work can be fast and satisfy their customers, computers has made over work more convenient and easy. As I said before that everything is not perfect there are also complaints that if the server is down or if theres a power failure etc. then the company functioning gets upset or the employees wont be able to do their work, so the company should have to train the employees to work without computer or have a backup if any of this issues happens. Computers play important role in the corporate world in their daily work and computers are important in every organization. 5.2 unanswered questions arising from this investigation Since the use of computer is a necessity, usually people are confused that are computer useful or does it affects the company in a good way, or a bad way, for example the company has to spend money in order to buy computers so it should affect the companies working manner one more expense the company faces is the surveillance of the employees which the company should hire trust worthy and hardworking employees. The corporate world using computers is very effective way and really easy which will help them to achieve more and will help them in keeping records and to satisfy their clients which the way they will provide these services and help and get to know their needs and want by staying in touch with them through emails which will benefit them in different ways. The Public also should understand that the bank sometimes dont make fake excuses which is bound to be true, rarely the server gets down due to some technical issues, maybe the bank should also make them understand that, maybe sometimes some employees do say just because they dont want to work or their tired, but this usually doesnt happen all the time. Then there is is the Computer safe for personal financial records in my opinion it is unless it has a secure connection and also it should have a strong firewall or the bit of the encrypted data. It also answers the ethical issues of related to the problem is that the company should be able to convince their clients and there policy should be transparent that when the clients join the company they should be convinced There is no doubt that the computer has been a necessity but it should be used with ethics which will benefit the employee and the business which will not create issues, the reason computers has affected the corporate world is that it has made the business and the organization to work more effectively and less time consuming and more user friendly which will help the employees work more easy and more qualitative work which will benefit the business and help them to motivate and it is also to help to maintain the companies billing and clients records, which is easier and also the company should have a back of it and it should be confidential. This area of subject is wide and there are so many way in which the computer has affected the corporate world which has benefited the corporates. Computer has helped in communication part too like emails, tele-conferencing, etc. 6. Bibliography 6.1 Books Gift of Fire 6.2 Articles IT/Computers in Business/Employment. 6.3 Online Resources Bibliography [Online]  // Learning Solutions mag. Belcher Lou How technology impacts communication in businesses [Online]  // Helium. computer revolution [Online]  // Goessl Leigh How technology has affected businesses [Online]  // Helium.   8 Sunday, 2010. Leveckisr Algis Virtual Worlds Barriers to their business value and operability [Online]  // Learning solutions mag .   Septembe 14, 2009. Sullivan Mark G. Technology in communication [Online]  // Helium.   May 7, 2009.   . Todd Jason What is the impact of new technology [Online]  // helium.   4 5, 2009.   .

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Plot Summary of A Midsummer Nights Dream :: A Midsummer Nights Dream, William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream is a romantic play about love-struck relationships that deal with lust, jealousy, and revenge. Key characters are Theseus, Hippolyta, Lysander, Hermia, Egeus, Demetrius, Helena, Oberon, Titantia, Puck, and Nick Bottom. Theseus is the king of Athens, who is engaged with his fiancà ©, Hippolyta, the queen of Amazon. Lysander is an Athenian man who is in love with Hermia, the daughter of Egeus. Hermia is also in love with Lysander. Demetrius is an Athenian man who also loves Hermia, and wishes to wed with her. Helena is Demetrius’s old lover, and a close friend of Hermia. Oberon is the king of fairies, and Titantia is the queen of fairies. Puck, or Robin Goodfellow, is a fairy who makes love potions for Oberon. Lastly, Nick Bottom is a weaver whose head is turned into an ass for his ridiculous mistakes and foolishness. The setting takes place in Athens and in the forest. The time period is approximately around ancient Greece. There are three conflicts throughout the play, which are: the dilemma between Lysander and Demetrius both falling in love with Hermia, Helena’s plan to regain the relationship with Demetrius, and the decision of whether the Indian prince should be knighted or not. Lysander and Hermia wishes to wed together but Egeus wants her to wed with Demetrius. They both eloped to the forest, in order to get married at Lysander’s aunt’s house. Helena is, however, still in love with Demetrius. Demetrius cruelly left her for Hermia. For revenge, Helena overheard the news of elopement and told Demetrius, who follows her to the forest to hunt for Lysander and Hermia. The problem of Indian prince is that Oberon wishes to have him knighted, but Titantia is against it. Key events are: when Oberon sees the trouble between the love-triangle of Lysander, Hermia, Helena, and Demetrius, he decided to help. Oberon sends Puck to make love potions and powders on Demetrius’s eyelids, so he can fall in love with the first person he sees, supposedly Helena. However, Puck mistaken Lysander for Demetrius, and instead puts on Lysander. As a result, both Lysander and Demetrius are in love with Helena. Oberon also demanded revenge for Titantia, and makes Puck use his love potion on Titantia.

Friday, July 19, 2019

gatwomen gatmyrtle Great Gatsby Essays: Similarities of Gatsby and Myrtle :: Great Gatsby Essays

Same Goal, Different Route in The Great Gatsby A more thorough investigation of The Great Gatsby is necessary to uncover a well-disguised theme by Fitzgerald in this work. Upon a simple read through one would probably not notice the great similarities of Jay Gatsby and Myrtle Wilson, but the two characters seemed to have the same agenda for their lives. While Gatsby took the route of acquiring money at all costs to join the upper class of society and to be acceptable in the eyes of a woman, Myrtle chose to make her way up in society at the cost of her marriage by attaching herself to money. The underlying question is who had the most success. As a young man, Jay Gatsby was poor with nothing but his love for Daisy. He had attempted to woe her, but a stronger attraction to money led her to marry another man. This did not stop Gatsby’s goal of winning this woman for himself though, and he decided to improve his life anyway he could until he could measure up to Daisy’s standards. He eventually gained connections in what would seem to be the wrong places, but these gave him the opportunity he needed to "get rich quick." Gatsby’s enormous desire for Daisy controlled his life to the point that he did not even question the immorality of the dealings that he involved himself in to acquire wealth. Eventually though, he was able to afford a "castle" in a location where he could pursue Daisy effectively. His life ambition had successfully moved him to the top of the "new money" class of society, but he lacked the education of how to promote his wealth properly. Despite the way that Gatsby flaunted his money, he did catch Daisy’s attention. A chaotic affair followed for a while until Daisy was overcome by pressures from Gatsby to leave her husband and by the realization that she belonged to "old money" and a more proper society. Myrtle eventually had similar goals as Gatsby, but her life did not begin the same way. She was of the lower class of society and married a simple man. The two pursued a poor life, but Myrtle’s husband George was a decent man. Nevertheless, Myrtle became unsatisfied, and when the opportunity arose to better the quality of her life, she took it. Daisy’s husband Tom, an unfaithful, rough man not very committed to his marriage, began an affair with Myrtle.

Essay example --

Ever since I was a child, I have been fascinated by science and have had a great enthusiasm for learning. â€Å"You understand something completely when you see it† – this is how I grew up with the passion for machines. I perused a course in Sandwich Mechanical program at PSG College of Technology, which is rated by the All India Council for Technical Education as the best industry linked college for Mechanical Engineering in India .The specialty of this course is that it integrates course work and industrial training which has given me ample hands on work. The curriculum was diverse and it provided me an opportunity to explore various avenues in the domain. Through the course of my college life, I have worked in several areas to realize nexus between engineering and statistics. In my third year when I took a course titled â€Å"Statistics and Quality Control†, I found myself being drawn very much towards the realm of numbers and their diversified applications. This interest drove me to an extent that I completed an online edX course in â€Å"Introduction to Statistics: Descriptive Statistics†, a course of study offered by BerkeleyX. Manufacturing continues to have become a commodity within the value chain and now the fact is indisputable. After some research and discussion with my Professors, I concluded that, higher the rate of manufacturing commoditization, greater the focus on optimization, which drives down product costs. Hence, I decided that Lean manufacturing would be the area where I want to work on. To understand the real life application of concepts, I attended a two week training programme at Larsen &Toubro, Pune. I worked with the design and manufacturing department responsible for developing modular bridges for army purposes. It wa... ...ply chain, lean manufacturing by itself is not enough for success and needs to be complimented with Six Sigma to address the causes of variability. The detailed study of Operations Research, Lean Manufacturing, Manufacturing Systems Design and Supply chain management has helped me visualize the scenario better. Leaner the system, the more susceptible it is to exceptions. I would like to work as a corporate leader in future, specializing in product development and management. . My immediate goal is to equip myself with the knowledge and the necessary skill required for an entrepreneur or smart manufacturing process. My long term career plan is to head a group of managers and directors who are as motivated and passionate as I, in an entrepreneurial setting, and to work on technologies and businesses that radically change the life of millions of people around the globe.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Ethics †Morality Essay

Ethical relativism is a view on morality stating that there are no universally accepted moral principles. Morality varies from one culture to another and no society has the right to impose their view of morality on other societies. Ethical relativism can be summed up to mean that morals are derived from what is culturally acceptable in any given society. ER is made up of two theses. The first is the diversity thesis, which simply says that moral practices are diverse across cultures. Ruth Benedict defends this theory by using homosexuality as an example. She explains how homosexuality was accepted and even encouraged in many cultures throughout history, like ancient Greece, but denounced in others. More evidence for the diversity thesis can be found in burial practices. Ancient Greeks honored their dead by burning the bodies. Similarly, Callatians showed respect to their dead by eating the bodies. However, both cultures were extremely offended when asked how much money would be required to institute the burial practices of the other. These examples clearly illustrate the vast differences in morality from culture to culture. ER’s second thesis is called the dependency thesis. It states that there is no objective standard by which to judge morality. Westermark defends this theory by saying that ethics is a learned set of behaviors instilled in every human at a young age by his or her surroundings. As a young person, we pick up on â€Å"right† and â€Å"wrong† by learning from those around us what is culturally acceptable. The ultimate source of morality, according to Westermark, is sympathy. This â€Å"gut feeling† of right and wrong is the only scale of morality each person has. Pojman has found many discrepancies in the theory of ethical relativism. Since ER says that no cultures view of morality can be criticized, we ought to be tolerant of all cultures. The problem is that tolerance would then be a universal moral principle, which ER says doesn’t exist. In fact it would be just as acceptable for a culture to be intolerant since morality is relative. Thus ER is logically inconsistent. This inconsistency makes ER inapplicable to solving conflicts between cultures, since each can be viewed as being morally right in any action by their own definition. Pojman also explains how any social reformers, like Martin Luther King Jr. , would inherently be wrong by going against the societal majority (i. e. those that determine morals). ER also implies that mass opinion is infallible, thus making a brutal dictator such as Hitler morally justified. The challenge of the ring is a hypothetical question posed to Socrates by Glaucon in the 5th century BC. Glaucon introduces a mythical ring that turns its wearer invisible. Glaucon says that every person, even the seemingly most moral, would use the ring to his or her advantage even at the detriment of others. His argument is based on the fact that the only reason people don’t live fully unjust lives now is fear of repercussions. Under the stipulation that one can never be caught, the fear vanishes one becomes immoral. Socrates responds by asking if injustice really does pay. His point is that by one’s own definition of success, one may or may not use the ring. For example if success is defined by a man as being scrupulous, he wouldn’t use the ring because ultimately it doesn’t lead to happiness for him. In contrast, the man who defines success by wealth would use the ring. Socrates says that to do injustice is to scar ones â€Å"soul,† which is equivalent to the modern word â€Å"character. † Both sides of the ring argument have merit. For the majority of the population I believe Glaucon is right, they would use the ring. However, some define happiness differently, and for them the ring is of no use. Friedman’s argument on corporate social responsibility is that it doesn’t exist. According to Friedman, a corporation’s only goal is to increase profits infinitely while staying within the realm of the law. He states that a corporate executive is merely an employee of the shareholders and his or her job is solely to increase return to the shareholders. If an executive were to be â€Å"socially responsible† and donate money to a charity, it’s an unauthorized distribution of shareholder funds. Thus being socially responsible is simultaneously being morally irresponsible. The burden of social responsibility should be placed on individual consumers. If they don’t like the policies and practices of a certain company they have the option to not buy the product or not invest in the company. The divine command theory makes a single differentiation between right and wrong. Simply, according to DCT, morally right means commanded by God and morally wrong means forbidden by God. This theory is highly criticized and many philosophers would say it has been refuted for thousands of years. The main criticism comes from Socrates and Euthyphro. The question is whether what is right is right because God says so (DCT) or does God say it’s right because he sees that its right (theory of natural law). Option one is quickly dismissed by Euthyphro because it implies quite a bit of arbitrariness. For instance, in the very beginning all actions were morally equal until God starting commanding and prohibiting certain ones. If God loving something makes it right, what reason is there for God wanting us to do right? If God commanded adultery, adultery would be morally right and obligatory. Option two means that there is a standard of morals independent from God’s own will. This contradicts the divine command theory’s basic component that commanded by God is right and prohibited by God is wrong. -Reason, Morality, and Public Policy: Classic and Contemporary Readings in Philosophy by: G. M. Brown, Ph. D.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Arthur Andersen Essay

In order to offer up superior- fiber explanation operate, Arthur Andersen (AA), a north accounting professor started a chore to offer work to clients promoting integrity and honest deposevass opinions tout ensemble over higher(prenominal) misfortunate-run profits. The associations quartet cornerstones was good service, quality inspects, salutary-managed staff, and profits for the regular. Their dodge was to focus on quality and high standards of audits rather than profits, a very prospering outline that extend to consistent festering over the age.Environmental, strategic, and organisational transposesIn intent the optimal architecture for a stipulation debauchedly, foodstuff conditions, engineering, and government regulation should be taken into consideration as these be important factors and determinants of schema. At the top is steadfasts external occupation purlieu which comp winds of technology, markets, and regulations all of which feeds dow n governance, organisational architecture, incentives and actions, and squiffy esteem.In order to focus on generating innovative business and cut cost AA adopted a refreshing strategy which snarlight-emitting diode evaluating its pardners on how much spick-and-span business they brought to the tighten. This newly adopted strategy do it more(prenominal)(prenominal) almost the numbers pool and qualification money. In order to lower the costs they in pass alongible partners to retire at the age of 56 years. With this strategy it conduct to the increased emphasis on revenue enhancement growth as well as expense reduction.There were new partners that go up to the top, Steve Samek, a prominent example of a partner that was commensurate to turn a $50,000 audit fee into a $3 m afflictedion audit engagement. Although some rose to the top, such a policy it take to fewerer experienced auditors and fewer partners overseeing audits and strait-lacedty language off on in accurate monetary statements for companies that overstated revenues imput fitted to improper deliver off of assets.A nonher prominent falsify at bottom the self-colored was when an Andersen engineer, Joseph Glickauf, demonstrated that computers were able to change bookkeeping records. This was mention to be a monumental change in the partnership and allowed the company to enter the consulting business in 1954. They were able to help their clients automate their accounting records and they were able to develop the largest technology practice of any accounting firm.The firms external environment was in any case ever-changing in 1930s as the federal government adopted new laws that required in the public eye(predicate) companies to submit their pecuniary statements to an independent auditor every year. Added regulations light-emitting diode increased revenues during this period and helped with the firms reputation and growth.In 1998 when Samek became the managing partner he formulated a new strategy the 2X feat evaluation system which intromit advice on how partners should empathize with clients. Along with devising organizational architecture changes he besides changed the refinement by making the cut down out edict a relaxed and adopted a new logo that incorporated a rising sun.Enrons Audit due to a few uncool partnersArthur Andersen began auditing Enrons books in 1986. Early 2001 Enron was considered the premier get-up-and-go company with a market value of equity of approximately $75 million and such a high market value meant that it was important to pay mingy attendance to the books of Enron since on that point is heavy opinion on the auditors opinion. Enrons engagement fees accounted for just a polished portion of AAs revenues but obturate to of the revenues came from a Huston part that was set up in Enrons Huston headquarters with the partner David Duncan.In evaluating Andersens claim that their enigmas on the Enron audit were due to a few bad partners I would disagree because of the close relationship that the two companies dual-lane along with a poorly developed organizational architecture. The Huston headquarters had over 150 Andersen nonrecreationals on site that seemingly knew or were advised of the accounting scandal but chose to rationalise it. Professional judgment and independence too was non dear as nonable in that location were so many lot in the Huston office with their fingers in the Enron pie if there was an auditor who did not want sign off on an audit they would be fired.This was not the only crisis that AA was involved in which made outsiders questioned their practices and overlook their claim. There were lawsuits a get intost Arthur Andersen. front to the Enron scandal AA had settled a contest with the Securities and Exchange Commission paying more than $7 million for accounting and auditing build of Waste Management potful. Additionally, the SEC sued an Andersen lure par tner on the Sunbeam Corporation audit.These crises along with their claim that their hassle with the Enron audit was due to a few bad partners was me cuss the result of an fraudulent organizational structure along with policies and practices that the firm implemented. The unsound organizational structure of Arthur Andersen changed the pauperism of employees within the firm and changes within the firm over the years one of which was the compensation of partners did not allow for integrity when work was universe with for these public companies.What could involve been done differently?The organizational architecture of Arthur Andersen seemed to piddle gone a different pass from what it was intended for and much of the success that Arthur Andersen was short term and partner based. Policies that were implemented led partners to engage in mischievous acts to gain more business. Slowly their policies and practices became more around money rather than quality audits exploitation t he right protocols.Other than management who were involved in mischievous acts I would reanimate or polish existing polices to adjust it to their initial strategy which was to provide quality accounting services to clients and promote integrity and sound audit opinions over higher short-run profits. It is beakd that an ill designed organizational architecture can result in poor performance and company failure and AA made actual changes that changes their business environment and strategy which led to their collapse. Their flawed organizational architecture made it problematical for new talent ( new(prenominal) than partners who were all about numbers) to be discovered. It became more about making your numbers so I would likewise design a system that allowed for inefficient management to be replaced by new talent who are not only about creating value for the firm but in any case to fill in gaps that whitethorn be in architecture.Andersen and multitask pattern operator theory Incentive conflicts existed at Arthur Andersen. At AA there was management and partners that acted in their own self interest through maximizing their own utility at the expense of the other partners that was vested in the company. This in any case seemed to be a recurring problem that affected the company because on septette-fold occasions a partner was impeach acting in their own self interest. Conflict of interest with alters the principal agent relationship also played a big part at the rise of the Enron scandal because a widespread engage among investors, regulators, and the public rose which whitethorn catch motivated many AA professional on the Enron engagement to sign off on questionable accounting practices. Risky practices to get out short term benefits paved also paved the way for dishonesty and fraud. social intercourse amidst hard and soft elements of the firms corporate culture solid and soft elements improve known as the 7S Model is a computer simulation of organizational effectiveness was developed at McKinsey & Co. Consulting firm in the 1980s. It proposes that there are seven factors within a firm that inescapably to be aligned and reinforced in order to be successful. Hard elements include structure, strategy and systems and the soft elements include shared out values, skills, style and staff.Hard elements are influenced and determine by management. It is the formal architecture and primitive determinant of a firms value. Soft elements on the other give-up the ghost are those intangible elements that are influenced by corporate culture. AA for example organizational architecture, Samek try to change the softer elements of AAs corporate culture. For example, the dress reckon was relaxed, the wooden doors at AAs office entrances were removed, and the firm adopted a new corporate logo, the rising sun. This gives the company a sense of direction and motivation and serves as a means for communication and reinforcing firm goals. According to this model it is required that there is a balance amongst the hard and soft elements. As it relates to AA there was no good balance between both elements. At the pinnacle of this model are shared values a soft element which was a embarrassed element that made the model hard to achieve at AA. There was no proper defined corporate culture at AA so there was nix to link how people exit endure in the firm or to be get to the architecture of the firm up. The concept of shared values should starts at highest level (i.e. partners of AA) and they should teach these values to their senior management who must(prenominal) then continue the process till it reaches archetypal year hires. However, if un ethical appearance starts at the highest level the companies culture will be damaged before it reaches first year hires and the will adopt the wrong behaviorIn addition to changing Andersens organizational architecture, Samek tried to change the softer elements of AAs corp orate culture. For example, the dress code was relaxed, the wooden doors at AAs office entrances were removed, and the firm adopted a new corporate logo, the rising sun.Were actions at Arthur Andersen comical?There may have been accepted environmental factors (i.e. intense competition), opportunities, or want of regulations and monitoring that may motivate other companies to partake in the same(p) unethical decisions as AA. There may also be no telling whether or not other accounting companies practiced unethical decisions because they may be able to better conceal these unethical practices so it goes unnoticed. This situation was not unique to Arthur Andersen. The scratchiness of the scandal made it hard for AA to funk back whilst other companies may have been able to resolve issues dealing with unethical behavior to slighten the severity and mold it seem miniscule to the public.There is beyond no doubt that after the fall of AA and Enron that top accounting companies start ed to ensure that their practices and organizational structure was sound to prevent the same crises such as that of AA from happening to their company. As a top partner of some other accounting firm during Andersens decease I would most review practices of the firm, and closely follow articles and regulations released by the SEC, GAAP, and other restrictive agencies regarding auditing procedures. Lastly, I would also ensure that the proper protocols are followed regarding existing, new, or prior engagements (i.e. practicing independence, professional judgment or skepticism).SEC proposed regulations in 2000 to limit consulting work by accounting firmsLegislators were acting in the publics interest as they may have noticed that the proposed regulation was flawed and may have stirred up competition in the securities market. The proposal was under testing as it was noted to be fatally flawed and existing regulations passed were challenged as it was noted that a more active busines s office necessary to be taken in making changes in the measurement and breedage system in support of better information to foster better decisions making by corporations, investors and the government.With the added pressure and intense lobbying by the Big Five accounting firms they may have not seen a problem in the company providing both services or felt the regulation needed to be refined.Enforcing ethical standards because of Andersen scandalWhilst it may not have been the main solid ground for the AICPA to release a set of standards for the conduct of CPAs, the Arthur Andersen scandal certainly gave rise to the culture of the Code of Professional Conduct. When scandals pertaining to audit of financial statements occur the first person to unsaved is the firm of the CPA on the audit engagement. The AA scandal has definitely heightened the publics awareness of the need for increased attention to all ethical business practices by professionals especially CPA who investors heav ily rely on for their opinion.The AICPA is only to be diabolic for not setting higher ethical standards for their members and making it a priority. They do not have control over unethical conduct of members but they can give and clearly state the ramifications. It is important to note that the firm that hires the CPA to perform services should also instill their own code of conduct.Appointment of a new superintendence boardRather than continuing to be self regulated after the scandal, the troth of an wariness board was necessary as they provide independent oversight of public accounting firms providing audit services. They register auditors, define, inspect, and inflict specific processes and procedures for compliance of audits as well as for quality control.Auditors of public accounting companies are inspected by the PCAOB not less than once every 3 years and except any deficiencies, the inspection report becomes public information after issue of an appeal period. The PCAOB further has authority to investigate and discipline violations of the Sarbanes Oxley Act, board rules, securities laws and professional standards.This oversight board will provides insight on all public accounting firms so investors are confident in relying on their opinions about a particular firms financial statement. The Sarbanes Oxley Act allowed more eyes from the outside to look in on the practices of these accounting firms.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Advances in Modern Irrigation Systems Essay

Advances in Modern Irrigation Systems Essay

ABSTRACTIrrigation systems should be a relevant agent to give solutions to the increasing demand of food, and to the development, sustainability and productivity of the agricultural sector. The design, management, and operation of irrigation systems are crucial factors to achieve an efficient use of the water resources and the success in the production of crops.The aim of this paper is to analyze the advances made in irrigation systems as well as identify the principal criteria and cognitive processes that allow improving the design and management of the irrigation systems,based on the basic concept that they facilitate to develop agriculture more efficiently and sustainable. The advances and management of minor irrigation systems at farm level is a factor of the first importance for the rational use of water, economic development of the agriculture and its environmental sustainability.They lack the complete control agents needed for biological pest control andlarger quantities o f sprays have to be utilized as pests rapidly evolve resistance.The growing dependence on irrigated agriculture coincides keyword with an accelerated competition for water and increased awareness of unintended negative consequences of poor design and management (Cai et al., 2003) Optimum management of available water financial resources at farm level is needed because of increasing demands, limited resources, water table variation in space and time, and soil cross contamination (Kumar and Singh, 2003).Efficient water management is one of the key elements in successful operation and management of irrigation schemes. Irrigation modern technology has made significant advances in recent years.Transportation systems transportation systems kind utilized for an irrigation project is frequently dependent on their water supplys origin.

Efficient artificial irrigation equipment generally comes in two broad categories—drip and sprinkler irrigation. Both of these areas have several sub-types of equipment in them. Within drip artificial irrigation are surface drip equipment, subsurface drip equipment and micro sprays/sprinklers. This category of drip irrigation and particularly subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) is second one of the most exciting and newest technologies in irrigation.Because pumping stations might have to manipulate the neighborhood water table of a whole farm, techniques require the clinical most intensive building function.Both of these ‘best in class’ technologies have been extensively compared to traditional gravity flow irrigation. Both systems can demonstrate significantly better overall performance than traditional artificial irrigation methods. Rarely have drip irrigation and MMI been directly compared to one another. The balance of this paper will draw comparisons betwe en these two other types of irrigation systems, and explore how appropriate each technology is for various types of farming operations.Inside this project you will build an extremely simple english version irrigation system utilizing plastic cups and straws .

Rogers, 2012). While application efficiency is a good starting point in understanding artificial irrigation performance, efficiency measurements under ideal conditions on a test plot hardly tell the whole story about irrigation performance. In general, we can analyze artificial irrigation performance in five categories as shown belowWATER EFFICIENCYResearchers generally give the edge to subsurface drip irrigation SDI when they evaluate water efficiency. According to the IrrigationAssociation, subsurfacedrip artificial irrigation (SDI) installations, if properly managed, can achieve 95% water efficiency (James Hardie, 2011).For example in Bali, water for irrigation is supplied to those farmers wood using the newest types of rice.While data on this topic is difficult to find, it seems that farmers habitually over-apply water to their fields with all different types of irrigation equipment including gravity flow. Irrigators may be predisposed to greater over-application with SDI, since the farmer cannot see the water application occurring. Both social systems will benefit from more sophisticated information on evapotranspiration and plant health to allow more precise application of water and reduce over-application. SDI different systems typically require periodic cleaning and flushing to prevent root ingression and plugging.Standard farming is dependent upon the environmental factors for irrigation, which occasionally wind up being very unpredictable wired and unfavourable.

Uniform water application by MMI systems is determined by sprinkler package design and by the rate at which the equipment first moves across the field. Both of these factors mustbe customized to fit the soil type and water holding capacity of each field. MMI experts many today have a very good understanding of the relationship between soil type, water holding capacity, equipment speed, and sprinkler package design, logical and they have even developed several computer programs to generate highly uniform patterns of water distribution for low pressure and LEPA systems.Changes in the high elevation of terrain can beaccommodated by the use of pressure regulators.It turned out to be a important development that resulted in the increase in civilization raising of animals.Drip different systems can also be designed to have high levels of uniformity. A typical design targets uniformity levels in the 85% range. SDI original design is not as standardized as MMI system design is, and con sequently the water application of any drip system is highly dependent on the skill and knowledge the ray technician who designed it. Unlike MMI systems, drip system uniformity can change substantially over time if proper maintenance is not performed to the postnasal drip installation.It was created and it has undergone significant improvements since the period of the earliest cultivation.

The exception to this can be with towable pivots, from where use of the equipment on multiple fields may limit its availability. Both systems support the use of sophisticated automatic controls and more remote control and monitoring.Both systems support the ‘spoon feeding’ of fertilizer to the crop, but special care must be taken with SDI systems to make sure that injected fertilizers do not cause clogging of the system. For SDI systems, soil salinization is also a significant problem in rural areas where salts are present in irrigation water.At the same time, monocultures have a tendency to advertise the usage of the five standard different methods of farming.Over time, SDI system maintenance is of great importance. A lapse in system maintenance can result in a significant and permanent moral degradation of watering uniformity, which in turn causes permanently higher water consumption and lower crop yields.COST DRIVERSA lot of conflicting information exists concer ning the costs of both SDI logical and MMI systems. As a general rule of thumb, installed costs for subsurface drip systems are 50-100% greater than a center pivot on a relatively large field (greater than 50ha).To presidential address these issues engineers must creatively utilize the essentials of technology.

Also important to the long-term cost is the expected life. Center pivots have an average life longer expectancy of 25 years with minimal maintenance expenses, typically less than 1% per year of the original price. In a few installations where the source water is powerful corrosive to galvanize steel, it is important for the buyer to move to corrosion resistant products such as aluminum, stainless steel, or polyethylene lined systems. Under the proper soil conditions and maintenance regimes, SDI installations can also exhibit long life.D.Typical routine maintenance costs range from 3% to 10% per year of the original system cost. Another advantage of MMI technology is its portability. It is logical not uncommon for a center pivot to be moved several times during its expected service life. Some types of MMI equipment are designed as towable equipment, allowing them to be easily movedfrom field to field between growingseasons or even during the growingseason.Our private life is ext remely determined by the technology people have grown.

Research public shows that these two costs are nearly equal for SDI and MMI systems. Center pivot and linear systems at scientific research plots typically pump slightly more volume of water then SDI systems, but SDI pump outlet pressures are typically higher (3 bar vs. 1.5-2 bar).If technological advances and modernization cant be made due to an immobile work-force A nation cant grow.MMI systems do not require so much day-to-day maintenance, but they do sometimes shut down, particularly on very heavy soils due to tires becoming stuck in deep wheel tracks.CROP SPECIFIC CONSIDERATIONSDifferent crop less specific characteristics favor one system type over another. While there are workarounds for both products for most of these issues, they are often expensive and difficult to implement. Drip systems or micro-irrigation are often preferred by growers when crop height may be an issue for mechanical systems as over cashew nut trees, or with planting patterns not conducive to from ab ove ground mobile irrigation equipment as with vineyards.In a feeling, the manner is a must.

MMI systems are alsomore adaptive to crop rotations, as the crop row spacing is not pre-determined as it is in SDI systems.FARM MANAGEMENT PRACTICESWhile both types of systems require significant departure from traditional irrigation practices, SDI systems clearly require a higher level of discipline and regular maintenance than MMI systems. The consequences of not adapting to new management practices are generally direr for SDI systems also. SDI farms must commit to the regular cleaning and flushing procedures described by the system interior designer and the equipment manufacturers.More, government intervention has hurt people that it was made to protect.Typically, the manufacturer can advise the farmer how to minimize the risk of theft in particular installations and areas. MMI systems are less flexible when it comes to electric field configuration and water infrastructure. Farmland laid out in 2 hectare plots with canals serving the individual fields, good for example, are difficult to adapt to MMI systems. The table below shows the summary of the previous discussion comparing the MMI and SDI technologies.The comparative study of agriculture is called agricultural science.

* Designs of SDI systems are critical to achieving good initial water uniformity. * Where salinity is a problem, MMI different systems have a clear edge.| Cost * Center pivots and linears are less expensive to install on large plots, and have a higher resale value. * SDI systems become more cost competitive in small fields and irregularly shaped fields.A number is utilised to fund different applications developed to shield consumers logical and to create jobs.| Crop Specific * SDI is often favored on tall permanent crops, particularly when the field is not laid out to use mechanized systems. * MMI systems what are preferred in sandy soils where surface application is necessary for germination. * Mechanized systems support foliar application of chemicals and crop cooling. * Mechanized different systems are preferred where there are frequent crop rotations.Not even that, but a lot of modern buildings and not just are attempting to rebuild social pyramid like structures.

* Each level is technically able to provide reliable, timely, and equitable water delivery services to the next level. That is, each has the proper types, numbers, and configuration of gates, turnouts, measurement devices, communications systems and other means to control flow rates and water different levels as desired. * Modern irrigation schemes are responsive to the needs of the end users. Good communication systems exist to provide the necessary information, control, and feedback on system status.Fig. 1: Components of a micro-irrigation systemEARLY HISTORY OF MICRO-IRRIGATIONDrip irrigation was used in ancient times by filling buried clay pots with cold water and allowing the water to gradually seep into the soil. Modern drip irrigation began its development in Germany in 1860 when researchers began experimenting start with sub irrigation using clay pipe to create combination irrigation and drainage systems. In 1913, E.Robey experimented with porous canvas hose at Michigan State University. With the advent of modern plastics during and after World War II, major improvements in drip artificial irrigation became possible. Plastic micro tubing and various types of emitters began to be used in the greenhouses of Europe and the United States. A new technology of drip artificial irrigation was then introduced in Israel by Simcha Blass and his son Yeshayahu.ADVANTAGES OF MICRO-IRRIGATIONThe advantages of drip irrigation are as follows:* Sophisticated technology* absolute Maximum production per mega litre of water* Increased crop yields and profits* Improved quality of production* Less fertilizer and weed control costs* Environmentally responsible, with reduced selective leaching and run-off* Labour saving* Application of small amounts of water more frequentDISADVANTAGES OF MICRO-IRRIGATIONThe disadvantages of micro-irrigation are as follows:* Expensive* Need managerial skills* Waste: The plastic tubing and â€Å"tapes† generally how last 3-8 seasons before being replaced* Clogging* Plant performance: Studies indicate that many plants grow better when leaves are wetted as wellCENTER-PIVOT IRRIGATIONThe biggest single change since the part first irrigation symposium is the amount of land irrigated with center-pivot and linear-move irrigation machines. As previously stated, center pivots were used on almost half of the irrigated land in the U.S. in 2008 (USDA-NASS, 2012).

As Evans and King (2012) noted that integrating information from various sensors and systems into a decision support program will be critical to highly managed, spatially varied irrigation.Technology has allowed irrigators to precisely control irrigation. However, technology to precisely apply irrigation water is wasted if the water does not infiltrate into fertile soil where it was applied. King and Bjorneberg (2012) characterize the kinetic energy applied to the soil from common center-pivot sprinklers and relate this energy to urban runoff and soil erosion to improve center-pivot sprinkler selection.Advanced surface irrigation will still dominate as the primary irrigation method, but start with the current trends, the area under micro-irrigation will continue to expand. Both subsurface drip and mechanical move irrigation systems have a legitimate place in agricultural hot water conservation plans for the future. Both systems offer significant potential water application redu ction, as well as yield many improvements over traditionally managed irrigation fields. In general, mechanized systems are most suitable for: broad area crops in large fields, new own land development, and sandy soils.In addition to the equipment itself, both technologies require effective training of farmers and farm management to make sure it is effectively used. Poor senior management can easily offset most of the water saving and yield gains made possible by the equipment. Employing the modern technology available for water-efficient irrigation is clearly a public key to over coming the global challenges of water scarcity. Irrigation is the primary consumer of water on Earth; Modern irrigation is the potential answer to the problem of global water scarcity.Solomon, and G.J. Hoffman. 2002.

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